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So 2 weeks ago, I competed in the Billabong Oz Grom Cup and got 3rd in the U16s. It was so much fun hanging out with Summa Longbottom and friends from all around Australia… But school was calling when I got back so it’s heads down and ‘do your homework!!!’

The gofund me page is going really well, thanks so much! Halfway there!

Thank you so much for your support, from all around the world! A big thanks also to the team at GoFundMe sharing this on their Facebook page!

As a result of all this, I’ve found new friends all over the planet, keen to find out more and get involved in surfing. I’ve even been able to connect with a young surfer girl who lives on the Azores Islands (where the world junior surf competition will be held).

Before the comp I didn’t even know the Azores islands existed and in checking google maps and wikepedia ( I’ve found out they are one of the most beautiful places on the planet in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean! I can’t wait to go there and am so excited to be able to meet local people who live there and find out more about life in the Atlantic.


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