Meeting Sally Fitzgibbons!
So it was an ordinary Friday morning – Yani and I coming in from a surf, Mum cooking breakfast… Then I see an post from Sally Fitzgibbons saying that she was in Byron at the new Roxy store and that if any groms want to go and meet her then go for a surf with her! So I persuaded mum to let me skip school and go. Yani has been dreaming about Sally, he said to me once,”Pacha , Sally is the one.” So you would think he would want to go! Right?! Wrong, he wanted to go to school because it was library day! (This is coming from a 10 year old Grom) So Yani made a letter and a video asking Sally to marry him. *awww*
So we got there I waited in line for Sally’s signature and showed her the video and the letter. Drum roll please….. She said YES! So everyone you are invited to a wedding! ….. In 10 years…. Haha.
Anyway as I was waiting to go for a surf, I met some amazing girls! They were so nice! We left to go for a surf and talked the whole way from Main Beach to The Pass. Turns out one of them had also just came back from a Europe trip as well! It was so awesome.
I can’t wait until I see Sally surf in the Roxy Pro Gold Coast 2014!
Big Smiles Pacha ☺
